Our main goal is guaranteeing quality and protecting investments, thanks to sustainable materials. Every product has a certain level of quality. Less does not exists.
Adventure & park equipment
A&P Equipment is part of an International group of companies built around the Belgian company A&P Projects. Over the years we have developed a wide range of equipment for the construction of adventure parks and amusement parks.
Adventure & Park Equipment is top quality equipment, sold in prefab. packages, that can be built by any other manufacturer or by the owner of an adventure park, leisure park or sports park.
Or, if desired, under our supervision by a third manufacturer, a partner recognised by A&P Projects.
Our main goal is guaranteeing quality and protecting investments, thanks to sustainable materials. Every product has a certain level of quality. Less does not exists.
A&P Equipment is represented worldwide by the best leading companies, specialized in the adventurepark and amusementpark industry since several years.
Please send us your questions or ask for more information about our products
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